The members of the Don Mills Residents Inc. and all residents of Central Don Mills have been waiting patiently for 10 years, to finally have our own Community Centre, at The Donway West and Don Mills Road. A place to meet, play a game of cards, or a basketball game, or simply take a walk around a professionally designed walking track.
What Happened?
Up to 2017, everything appeared to be progressing as set out in an Agreement signed by Cadillac Fairview, the City of Toronto, and the Board of the Don Mills Residents Inc. in exchange for allowing Cadillac Fairview to construct two tall towers in the centre of the Shops’ land (not on the perimeters which were restricted to 15 stories). Cadillac Fairview committed $17,000,000 in 2010 dollars, indexed to the cost of construction, to build our Community Centre, AND, as well, support its expenses for 49 years. No cost to the City!
This was a 10-year progressive contract, not a 10-year old obsolete contract with no relevance in 2020, as has been described by our councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong.
What Went Wrong?
It appears the City needed a good selling feature for its upcoming development at Don Mills and Eglinton, a new neighbourhood 10 to 20 years away from completion! The City is touting a REGIONAL Community Centre, complete with twin-pad arena, as opposed to our local one, as their rationale. However, the Crosstown “Regional” Community Centre is proposed to have the same square footage (49,000 sq.ft.) as our local plan. The timeline for the “Crosstown” centre is 7 to 10 years away. That’s TWO GENERATIONS of children lost, with no facilities during their formative years.
The contracted Don Mills Community Centre, proposed for The Donway West and Don Mills Road, was to have broken ground THIS YEAR! And at no cost to the City!
History of the Community Centre |
Letter of Support from Councillor Danzil Minnan-Wong |
CC46.2 Settlement Offer |
BlogTO Article about the Community Centre |
CBC Article about the Community Centre |
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